We are deeply grateful for the generosity and support of the individuals, foundations, organizations, and congregations whose partnership makes the URJ's sacred work possible. Together, we are creating peace and wholeness (shalom), justice and equity (tzedek), and belonging and joy (shayachut and simcha).

Lifetime Donors of $1 Million or More

Anonymous (5)

Nani and Austin* Beutel

Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies

Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation Inc.

Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston (CJP)

Community Development Foundation for Reform Judaism

The County of Sonoma

Crown Family Philanthropies

Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust

The Donner-Klein Family

Dorot Foundation

The Dorothy Kodimer Trust

Dr. Arthur and Betty (z"l) Roswell

Gail and Alfred Engelberg

Estate of Lee L. Kalsman

Estate of Meyer Nathans

Estate of William Daniel

F.N.Z. Foundation

Foundation for Jewish Camp

Aviva (z"l) and L. Robert (z"l) Freelander

Jennifer and Wayne Goldberg

Goldring Family Foundation

The Golomb Family (Betty Golomb* z”l)

Harold Grinspoon Foundation

Helaine (z"l) and Ike (z"l) Heller

Hermine and David B. Heller

Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation

Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund (JCF)

Sara Jo (z"l) and Arthur (z"l) Kobacker

Dorothy and Paul Kodimer

Koret Foundation

The Kraus Family Foundation

The Leo and Libby Nevas Family Foundation

Peachy and Mark (z"l) Levy

Francine and Richard Loeb

Diane and Darryl Mallah

The Marcus Foundation

Maurice S. Kanbar Revocable Trust

Daryl Messinger* and James Heeger

Martin E. Messinger

Morton Hirschberg Trust

The Nathan Cummings Foundation

Dr. Raquel H. Newman (z"l)

Bernard & Babro Osher through The Bernard Osher Jewish Philanthropies Foundation

Pam and Howard Erlanger and the Jeff Erlanger Memorial Fund

Posner Foundation of Pittsburgh

M.K. and J.B. Pritzker

Audre (z"l) and Bernard (z"l) Rapoport

Sam and Rose Reisman, Michelle Reisman, Elly Reisman, Ruth (z"l) Reisman

Righteous Persons Foundation

The Robert Sillins Family Foundation, Inc.

RootOne, a program of The Jewish Education Project funded by The Marcus Foundation, Inc.

Michele and Stanley Rosen

Rosalyn G. Rosenthal

Samuel Israel Foundation

Scheidt Family Foundation

R. Peter and Betty Shapiro

The Silk Family

Rabbi Lisa Silverstein

State of California

Roger B. Tilles

United Jewish Appeal-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, Inc

Walter & Elise Haas Fund

Weidhorn Family Foundation, Inc.

Barbara and Steven* Wolf

Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ)

$1 Million and Above

Anonymous (2)

State of California

Goldring Family Foundation

RootOne, a program of The Jewish Education Project funded by The Marcus Foundation, Inc.

Sherry and Robert Wiener

$100,000 - $999,999

GNYHA/1199 Healthcare Education Project

Anonymous (5)

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Charina Endowment Fund

Commonwealth of MA Executive Office of Education’s Summer Camp Grants, Commonwealth of MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security

Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York

Crown Family Philanthropies

The Donald and Carole Chaiken Foundation

Dorot Foundation

Foundation for Jewish Camp; Foundation for Jewish Camp’s Yashar Initiative funded by The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation; Foundation for Jewish Camp's Yedid Nefesh Initiative funded by The Marcus Foundation

The Freedman Family

The Glick Family Foundation

Harold Grinspoon Foundation

Adam Heeger

Isaac Alhadeff Foundation

Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund (JCF)

Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Jewish Camp Initiative

The Kraus Family Foundation

The Leo and Libby Nevas Family Foundation

Libitzky Family Foundation

The Marcus Foundation

Maurice Amado Foundation

Dr. Ira Mersack (z"l)

Daryl Messinger* and James Heeger

Michael and Alice Kuhn Foundation

Robin and Billy Orgel

Dick (z"l) and Terry Orgel

The Rodan Family Foundation

Dr. Arthur and Betty (z"l) Roswell

Samis Foundation

Harry and Debra Seigle

The Silk Family

Phyllis and Irl Silverstein

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Walter and Elise Haas Fund

Barbara and Steve* Wolf

Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ)

$50,000 - $99,999

Angell Foundation

Anonymous (4)

David and Jackie Barrett

Helaine and Bill Braunig

Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation Inc.

Barry and Debbie Cohn

Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust

Diane and Norman Bernstein Foundation, Inc.

Marci and Dr. Moshe* Dollinger

The Donner-Klein Family

Isabel (Liz) P. Dunst*

Jonathan and Na'ama Ellman

F.N.Z. Foundation

Phyllis H. Freedman

Deedee Hamburger

Dr. Ellen Jackofsky

Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation

Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago - JUF

Livingston and Saranne Kosberg

Robin Kosberg*

Steve Krause

Lason Family Foundation

Jayne Lipman and Robert Goodman

Evan and Jb Mallah

Ronald and Jackie Nierman

Jed and Carrie Nussbaum

Posner Foundation of Pittsburgh

Mrs. Sam Rabinovitz

Mark* and Marie Schwartz

Erin and Joel Seligstein

Shirley and David Toomim Family Foundation

Siegel Family

Sandy and Scott Stolberg and Family

Temple Beth-El (San Antonio)

The Arnow Family Fund, Inc.

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

Tina and Richard Wasserman

James Wise

Richard and Cindi Wismer

$25,000 - $49,999

Anonymous (3)

Anti-Defamation League

Deborah and David* Astrove

Karen and Jeffrey* Bank

Joan Garson and David* Baskin

Jadwiga* and Donald Brown

Vivian and Richard Cahn and the Cahn Family Foundation, Inc.

Dr. Louis and Linda Cantor

Anthony Clayman and Margaret Cohen

Vivian and Gary Cohn

The Crimson Lion / Lavine Family Foundation

Shoshana Dweck*

Daniel and Ilissa Eiferman

England Family Foundation

Robert Evans and Gail Sinai

Sarah and Michael Fisher

Codi and Alan Goodis

Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Louis Grossman and Amy Gerson

Joyce and Warren (z"l) Heilbronner

Rabbis Rachel Hertzman and Rex D. Perlmeter

John Pritzker Family Fund

Laurie Kaufman

Lee Klein Erlichman

Ruth and Bruce Klotzman

Steven and Clarissa Lefkowitz

Leo J. and Roslyn L. Krupp Family Foundation

The Leon Levine Foundation

Mary and Harry* Levy IV

Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund

Jeffrey Mackevich

Alisa and Jason Makler

Blair* and Dr. Joseph Marks

Lenore* and Dan Mass

Milton and Dorothy Sarnoff Raymond Foundation

The Nachshon Project

National Center to Encourage Judaism

Jean and Jordan Nerenberg

Norman A. and Margaret I. Shane Charitable Trust

Erica and Kevin Penn

Linda* and Dr. Mark Posner

Janet Abrams and Steven* Pruzan

Lynn and Michael Reichgott

The Robert Sillins Family Foundation, Inc.

Audrey Heller Romberg and Rabbi Jack Romberg

Michele and Stanley Rosen

Rabbi Richard Safran

Elkan* and Laurie Scheidt

Michael and Hilary Talis

Michelle* and Keith Tandowsky

Temple Israel of Greater Miami

Kelly and Ben Walter

Ann Wenger*

Marc and Shelley Willner

Tina and Joseph Wolf

$10,000 - $24,999


Beth and Michael Adler

Anonymous (7)

Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple (New Brunswick)

Allison and Jeff Asher and Ellie Streiffer and Ben Horwitz

The Azrieli Foundation/La Fondation Azrieli

Baltimore Hebrew Congregation

Marjorie Baron* and Michael Spritzer

Marcia and Robbie Barron

Natalie and Brett Barth

Jill Reikes Bauman and Steve Bauman

Renay, Joel, Michael, and Sam Bayer

Patty Beck

Sharon K.* and Jack Benoff

Bergman Family Charitable Foundation

Dr. Jasmine Berke and Scott Roseman*

Dr. Nancy Berley and Scott Dworman

Douglas and Deborah Bernstein

Carl and Joann Bianco

Barbara and Mark Brookner

Benjamin and Elinore Brown

Marla and Steve Brown

Janice* and Marshall Brumer

Camp Dream Street Mississippi

Central Synagogue (New York)

Bruce and Robyn Cohen and Family

Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston (CJP)

Congregation Schaarai Zedek (Tampa)

Sandy and Bob Cutler

Cary Davidson* and Andrew Ogilvie

Linda and Marty Davidson

Andrea Del Guidice and Michael Tamaddoni

Bonnie Denmark-Friedman

The Donald and Carole Chaiken Foundation

Dream Street Foundation

Mitchell and Dawn Epstein

Genevieve and Meyer Falk (z"l)

Anne* and Marc Feinberg

The Fine and Greenwald Foundation, Inc.

Ellen Paradise Fisher

Sarah and James* Fleckner

Frederick J. Isaac Philanthropic Fund

Morton and Amy Friedkin

Friedman Family Foundation

Linda and Michael Frieze

Lori Ghan

Julie Glick and Daniel Davis

Roberta Franco Glick*

Cathy Goodfriend and Paul Reichenbach

Jill Goodman* and Arthur Malkin

Government of Ontario

Shelley Niceley Groff* and Jonathan Groff

Steven and Elizabeth Gruber

David and Cathy Habib

Dr. Gordon and Dr. Sion Harris

Amy and Robert* Heller

Holy Blossom Temple (Toronto)

Howard G. and Samita B. Jacobs Foundation

Rabbi Rick Jacobs* and Susan K. Freedman

Jewish Federation of Broward County

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples

Jewish Federation of Greater Washington

Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County

Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee

Jewish Social Policy Action Network

JKMS Williams Family Foundation

The Jonah Maccabee Foundation

Joseph Alexander Foundation, Inc.

Rabbi Doug and Ellen Kahn

David Kalson and Susan* Friedberg Kalson

Dr. Reynold and Janet Karr

David and Yael Kasakove

Jennifer* and Todd Kaufman

Michele and Michael* Klau

Constance Kreshtool (z"l)

Marc* and Judy Landis

Rabbi Jeff Sirkman, Larchmont Temple

Audrey and Michael* Laufer

Gary Lazarus

Katy and Clay Levit

Cindy and Mark* Levy

Michael and Betsy Levy

Amy Dattner-Levy and Rabbi Peter Levy

Lynn and Rabbi Bob Loewy

Lowenstein Family Supporting Foundation

M.B. and Edna Zale Foundation

The Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson Foundation

Carol Maxon

Barbara and Philip* Meltzer

Martin E. Messinger

Michele and Seth Metsch

Jen and Marty Michaels

Mid State Construction

Rabbi Bennett and Joan Miller

Melinda and Morris Mintz

Alan Mordoh and Ilycia Kahn

Mount Zion Temple (Saint Paul)

Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation

Sherrill Neff and Alicia Felton

Matthew Nichols and Katrina Burton-Nichols

J. David Orlansky

Rabbi Amy and Gary Perlin

Lee Perlman and Linda Riefberg

Mae Gilberg Philpott

Frank and Helen Ponder Family

Bill Prady and Jessica Queller

Michael* and Jo-Ann Price

Charlotte and Dr. Taavi Reiss

Wendy* and Wayne Rhodes

Mimi, Leslie, Jack, and Ana Rosen and Nathan Goldberg

Mark and Jan Rosenbaum Sass

Herman Rosenberg

Dr. Michael* and Beverly Ross

Ginny and Brian Ruder

Rudolph and Hilda U. Forchheimer Foundation, Inc.

Neal Sabin

The SAC Foundation

Helene and Stephen* Sacks

Scott Sager* and Sharon Nelles

Scheidt Family Foundation

Sandy and Tadd Schwab

Heidi Segal* and Eric Krautheimer

Camille and Joe Seigle

Andy* and Elizabeth Shafran

Shalom Austin

Adam and Sarah Sher

Jamie Sher

Evely Laser Shlensky* and Rabbi Ira Youdovin

Henry W. Siegel

Reagan Silber

Stephanie and Steven Silverman

Stacy and Dr. Jay Silverstein

The Silverweed Foundation

Dr. Pekka* and Pat Sinervo

Dr. Dana Sirota and Josh Schiffrin

Harriet and Bruce Skelly

Deborah and Larry Stadtner

Carole* and Jay Sterling

Jennifer Sussman

Temple Beth Am (Miami)

Temple Beth El (Boca Raton)

Temple Emanu-El (Westfield)

Temple Israel (Memphis) / Sheril and Rabbi Micah Greenstein

Temple Israel Brotherhood (Memphis)

Temple Israel of Hollywood

Temple Micah (Washington, DC)

Temple Shalom (Naples)

Temple Sholom of West Essex

Temple Sinai (Washington, DC)

Tillie and Alfred Shemanski Testamentary Trust

Lindi and Adam Vernick

Alyse Wagner and Jon Sacks

Lynne and Dr. Mike Wasserman

Jennifer Weber and Laurence Bailen

Weitz Tzedakah Fund, Drs. Elayne and Steven* Weitz

Westchester Reform Temple

Molly and Jason Wexler

Dolores Wilkenfeld*

Professor Jeremy M. Wolfe* and Julie Sandell

Miriam Daniel and Laurence Wolff

Terry* and David Yoffie

Rebecca and Joseph Young

Rella and David Zapletal

$5,000 - $9,999

Drs. Abby and Tom Abelson

Dr. Barry and Faith Abzug

Jonathan Adelsberg and Anita Sibony

Karen Adler and Larry Greenwald (z"l)

Moses and Jane Alexander

Anonymous (9)

Ruth Arnow

Diane* and Jean-Loup Baer

Elizabeth and Adam Barnett

Anthony Belinkoff

Bradley and Nancy Bell

Rabbi Marc E. Berkson

Karen L. Berman

Beth Emet The Free Synagogue (Evanston)

Glenn and Maud Blachman

Rabbi Barry Block*

Rabbi Adena and Sean* Blum

Linda and Gregg Brenner

Cecelia and Zane Brown

Keely Brown and David Berkman

William Brown (z"l)

Sue and Barry Brucker

Janet Buckstein*

Angie and Joshua Burgin

Rabbi Lee and Judith Bycel

Central Synagogue

Gloria and Jack Clumeck

Dr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Cohen

David and Elizabeth Cohen

Skylar* and Peter Cohen

The Cohen Family

Community Synagogue of Rye

Congregation B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim (Deerfield)

Congregation Etz Chaim (Lombard)

Congregation Kol Ami (White Plains)

Congregation Rodeph Sholom (New York)

Jill and Benjamin Crane

Jackie and Brian Dalton

Phyllis* and Jeff Denaburg

Derek Dorn* and Salvatore Gogliormella

Dr. Rachel Dultz and Michelle Silverman-Dultz

East End Temple (New York)

Bruce Alan Echtenkamp and Pamela Sandler

The Edith and Herbert Lehman Foundation, Inc.

Rabbi Denise L. Eger and Rabbi Eleanor Steinman, Ed.D

Sari Eisenberg

Dina Epstein

Nilene R. Evans

Leroy (z"l) Fadem, Steven* Fadem, and Laurie Baskin

Dr. Alan Fein and Laura Greenblatt

Dr. Jeremy Fielding and Stef Goodsell

Flagstar Bank

Rabbi Allison and Edward Flash

Rabbi Chase and Sarah Foster

David and Bonnie Foster

Elizabeth Foster

Eric Freedman

Joan and Robert Garden

Charles and Vivian* Gealer

Abigail Gelfand and Seth Kammerman

Robyn and Jay* Gellman

Jennifer Kay Gilbert

Joseph Glass*

Amy Glickman and Andrew Kuritzkes

Judy Glickman

Elizabeth* and Mario Goertzel

Goldberg Family

Eleanor and Allan* Goldman

Barbara Lerman-Golomb and Johnny Golomb

Julie* and Richard Gordon

Amy Sherman Greenberg and Sam Greenberg

Joan Grossberg

Patrice and Dan* Grossman

Leslie and Ronald Gubitz

The Harriette Steelman and Charles L. Tabas Foundation

Alan Heilbron

Connie Heller

Noah and Aaron and Noami and Pearl Hodesh

Edward Hoffman and Susan Katz Hoffman

Lynn Jacobs

Drs. Mark Jacobson and Ilona Frieden

Emily* and Chris Jennewein

Jewish Federation of Greater Baton Rouge

Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest NJ

Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle

Judea Reform Congregation (Durham)

Al Kamen

Lynne Kaminer and Daniel Ray

Linda Heller Kamm

Dr. Alan* and Emilie Kaplan

Rebecca Katz-White and Rabbi Michael White

Talia and Daniel Kaufman

Marcia and Jonathan Kay

Dr. Sam Kazer

Alyse and David Kirschen

Larry and Marilyn Klaben

Sara* and Thomas Klein

James and Judith Klutznick

Susan Tafler and Charles Koplik*

Rabbi Sandford and Dr. Nancy Kopnick

Barry and Laura Korobkin

Mark and Meredith Kristall

Laura and David Kulick

Mark and Ina (z"l) Kupferberg

Marion and Brad Lapidus

Dr. Dana and David Lazowski

Dr. Russ Lehrman and Loree Farrar*

Karen Brodsky and Donald Leibowitz

Norman* and Karen Leopold

Emily and Bob Levine

Stephanie and Jay* Levine

Levity ImpACT Charitable Foundation

Marjorie* and BH Levy

Amy* and Rich Lipeles

Dr. Marshall and Gail (z''l) Littman

Laura Loeb and Howard Morse

Susan Longo*

Laura and Adam Magnus

Gordon Mehler and Ariel Zwang

Dr. Nathaniel and Mrs. Charlene Mayer

Paul* and May Mengert

Elaine Merians

Barbara Merino

Rabbi Melinda Mersack and Mark Jacobs

David and Nancy* Michaels

Aaron and Kelley Middleberg and the Louis and Lillian Glazer Family Foundation

Linda, David, Josh, Nikki, Blake, and Hank Milberg

Bruce* and Carol Miller

Marjorie and Morgan (z"l) Miller

James Mills and Lois Zoller

David and Audrey Mirvish

Geraldine Mund

Phyllis and Marc Newman

North Shore Congregation Israel

Lois (z"l)* and Neil Nyren

Sally and Elliot* Paull

Dr. Charles (z"l) and Judith Picus

Susie Reingold

Stuart and Cheryl Rich

Dr. Robert Rosenberg* and Jane Wishner

Simon Rosenblatt and Louise Greenfield

Rosenthal-Statter Foundation

Dr. Edward and Shannon Rothschild

Hank* and Jean Rouda

Leigh and Craig Royal

Lea and Richard* Rubenstein

Ruby Diamond Foundation

Michelle Lynn-Sachs and Steven Sachs

Darryl and Heather Schaffer

Matthew and Carol Scharff

Carolyn and Frank Schwarz

Robert and Jill Serling

Alissa and Adam Shapiro

Deborah and Jim Sharpe

Shawna Goodman and Todd Sone Family Foundation

Stuart and Judy Shkolnick

Carol and Alan Sidell

Sidney Stern Memorial Trust

Susan Silver and Ross Erlebacher*

Shonni Silverberg, M.D. and John Shapiro

David Silverstein and Kenneth Schmitt

Neil Silverston and Risa Shames

Mike* and Michelle Sims

Diana and Craig Sklar

Linda Ellen and Ron Sklar

Rachel and Rich Slaton

Carollina Song and Alec* Harris

Julie Stark and Rabbi Steven Stark Lowenstein

Deanie and Jay Stein

Donna and Hans Sternberg

Alan Stuart

Tankenoff Families Foundation

Jane Taves*

Temple Beth Israel (Skokie)

Temple Beth Tikvah (Roswell)

Temple Beth Tikvah (Wayne)

Temple Chai (Long Grove)

The Women of Temple Chai (Long Grove)

Temple Judea (Coral Gables)

Temple Judea (Tarzana)

Third Plateau

Dr. Deborah Fernandez-Turner*

United Jewish Appeal-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, Inc

Judith and David Visoky

Lina and Adam Wallace

Dr. Andrea and Michael* Waxman

Weidhorn Family Foundation, Inc.

Rachel and Ian Weiner

Judith and Herbert Weisberg

Roger Weisberg and Karen Freedman

Marcy and Thomas* Wiener

Women of Reform Judaism NE District

Roger Zlotoff

$2,500 - $4,999

A.S. Genecov Foundation

Rabbi Joel Abraham and Michelle Shapiro Abraham

Amanda Abrams and Ben Dorfman

Allegrone Construction Co., Inc.

Am Shalom Rabbi Steven S. Lowenstein Discretionary Fund

Andrea and Richard Amend

Barbara and Scott Anenberg

Anonymous (5)

Rita Appel* and Jon Fraade

Joshua Arnold

Alison Banger and Joseph Slade

Jonathan Baron*

Karen Barr and Dr. Andrew Engel*

The Barron Family

Len* and Sara Bates

Kathy and Dr. David (z"l) Bauman

Roberta and Terry Bavin

The Adler and Bazeley Family

Lawrence Blumberg and Robin Lynn

Lisa Brachman and Robert Roubey

The Bram Family

Martin and Joan (z"l) Brashem

Lindsay and Warren Braunig

Marjorie and Mark Buchbinder

Dr. Barbara Chasen

Rabbi Kenneth Chasen and Allison Lee

Mark and Lauren Chekanow

Devana Cohen

Dr. Marc Cohn and Lisa Steinman

Ronnie Cohn*

Eli and Leslie Cohn-Wein

Mark Collins and Sarah Tuttle

Congregation Keneseth Israel (Allentown)

Congregation Kol Ami

Congregation Kol Tikvah (Parkland)

Congregation Schaarai Zedek Sisterhood (Tampa)

Jamie and Amy Cook

Bette and Alan Cotzin

Dallas Jewish Community Foundation

Jeremy Deutsch and Lisa Sopher

David* and Venessa Donchin

Gail and Dick Donner

Patricia* and Roland Dorson

Bud and Leigh Eisenberg

Mitchell and Sara Faust

Marianne and Dr. Richard Feifer

Karen and Steven Fein

Brion and Ellen Feinberg

Joel Feller

Felsen Insurance Services

Rabbi Jason Fenster and Gabrielle Young

Matthew and Karen Fine

Dr. Abigail* and Stephen Fisher

Lauren Goldberg and Michael Foreman

Ronna and Joel Fox

Ellen* and John Fox-Snider

Tori and Jeremy Franklin

Helene and Dr. Michael* Freidman

The Friedel Family Foundation by Lynne and Steve Gellman, Directors

Marla and Adam Gamoran

Nancy Gavlin

Francie and Jay Gerson

Ilana Gildenblatt-Nadel and Neil Nadel

Rachel Glast

Aaron and Angel Goldman

Arielle Goldman and Steven Krichbaum

Michael Goldman

Susan and Lou Good

Lauren and Todd* Gordon

Joanne and Fred Greene

Arielle Gumer and Max Delahanty*

Rabbi Jason Gwasdoff and Lindy Passer

Hannah's Giving Circle

Rabbi Sheldon and Fern Harr

Michelle Harrosh

Herman Foundation

Scott Hertz

Laurie and Dr. Alan Herzlin

Robert Heuman

Hevreh of Southern Berkshire

Linda and Jeffrey Hochster

Elaine and Scott Jaffe

Ilene and David Jaroslaw

Jewish Foundation UJA Federation of Greater Toronto


Stephen Juris and Rachel Parker

Jeffrey* and Amy Kagan

Rabbi Nancy Kasten and Rabbi David Stern

Rabbi James and Susan Kaufman

Jodi Kerper and Dr. R. Karl Rethemeyer

Rabbi Paul Kipnes and Michelle November

The Klein Family

Heidi Klopfer

Lilli Kornblum*

Midge and Steve Krams

Lawrence and Julie Lambert

Mark and Anne Landman

Dale and Lynn Magid Lazar

Jenn and Joey Lazarus

Simone and Kevin Levingston

Lewis Family

Arthur and Jennifer Lieb

Jerry Litwack

Jonah and Alissa Lovens

Cathy and Howard Lowen

Felicia Malter

Leigh and Danny Mansberg

Kevin and Carol Margolis

Jan* and Brad Marion

Marc Maxwell*

Joseph Meis and Suzanne Weiss

Ruthie Mendel

Charla and Mark Miller

Milton and Miriam Waldbaum Family Foundation

Marsha and Edward Moller

Rabbi Jay and Cantor Bat-Ami Moses

Vicki and John Nelson

Dana and Daniel Nestel

Cyndy and Robert Newcomer

O. Paul Decker Memorial Foundation

Ohio Women's Alliance

Robbie and Julie Ondrusek

Brenda and Joseph Pereles

Dr. Allen Poteshman and Dr. Sumie Okazaki

Jennifer* and Michael Povman

Lani and Spencer Preis

Rabbi Joseph Gitin Memorial Scholarship Fund for Interfaith Families at JCF

Janis Rabin

Renee and Yuval Raizen

Karen and David Reagler

Alissa and Jeffrey Reich

Rabbi Daniel Reiser

Micah and Alexa Riskin

Lynn* and Roger Ritvo

Karen* and Marc Rivo

Julia Friedman Rosen

Bert and Robin Rosenthal

Charles and Susan Rothschild

Kenneth and Lois* Rubin

Susan Rudolph

Adam and Jaime Russo

Ruth Sang

Rabbi Sara and Daniel Sapadin

Drs. David Saslove and Cheryl Ackerman

Danielle Schmelkin and Mary Wilson

Rachel Schnoll and Stephen Yankauer

Dr. Aaron Scholnik

Brian and Carol Schuster

Stuart Schwartz and Debbie Youngelman

Betsy and Richard Sheerr

Judy and Allan Shriber

Jennifer Siegal-Miller and Rabbi Adam Miller

Steven Silverberg and Marilyn Mauler

Karen* and John Sim

Tessa and Daniel Simon

Cindy and Lawrence Sipkin

Jennifer and Jeff Sokol

Michael* and Elizabeth Solka

Dr. Robert and Amy Margolin Sommer

Rabbi Andrea and Greg Steinberger

Meri and Jon Stevens

Ellie Streiffer and Ben Horwitz

Temple Am Echad - The South Shore Reform Cong (Lynbrook)

Temple Anshe Amunim (Pittsfield)

Temple Isaiah (Lafayette)

Temple Israel (Boston)

Temple Israel (Tulsa)

Temple Israel (West Palm Beach)

Temple Kol Emeth (Marietta)

Temple Shaari Emeth (Manalapan)

Temple Shalom (Chevy Chase)

Temple Sinai (Atlanta)

Temple Sinai (Rochester)

Temple Sinai of Bergen County

Temple Sinai of Bergen County Rabbi Discretionary Fund

The Temple - Rabbi Joe Rooks Rapport Discretionary Fund

Amy Todras

Drs. Lisa Usdan and David Portnoy

Alice Walther and Dr. Stefan Kertesz

Rabbi Josh Weinberg and Dr. Mara Getz Sheftel

Nordin* and Howard Weinberger

Elana Weinstein and Kenneth Brownstein

Mindy and Dave Weintraub

Kathryn Wiener

Mark Williams and Michelle Easton-Williams

Mauri Willis

Linda and Jim Wimmer

Dr. Jonathan and Sharon Wolf

Women of Reform Judaism Pacific District

Laurie Nelson Wurster

Holly and Jonathan Youngwood

David Zadikoff

$1,000 - $2,499

Drs. Larry and Beatrice Abrams

Howard and Nina Abrams

Chelsea and Jesse Adland

Susan Adler-Bressler and David Bressler

Jessica and Derek Aframe

Jeff and Lili Agron

Marcie Aiuvalasit

Jo Ann and Evan Allen

Wendy Allyn and David Barkan

Alan and Anna Alpert

Anonymous (28)

Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple (Beachwood)

Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple Rabbi Philip Bazeley Discretionary Fund

Daniel Applebaum

Arent Charitable Foundation

Daniel and Joanne Aronson

Laurie Lipsey Aronson

ARZA Canada

Elizabeth Asher

Joel and Dub Ashner

Amy and Barry Asin

Sara Klaben Avrahami and Amit Avrahami

Tara and Max Axler

Terry and David Azose

Rabbi Ilana G. Baden, Temple Chai

Michael and Julie Bailit

Kenneth and Annette (z"l) Baim

Ellen and Mark Balkin

Brian and Susan Banner

Dale and Michael Bare

Karyn and Joseph Barer

Laura and Louis Barlow

Barnert Temple- Rabbi Rachel Steiner Discretionary Fund

Dana Bash

Jonah Baskin

Elliot and Julie Basner

Annie Bauman and Dylan White

Rabbi Katie Bauman and Adam Eckstein

Jessica and Michael Behmoiras

Rabbi Ofer and Rabbi Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi

Sara and Paul Belin

Dr. Douglas and Kim Berebitsky

Dr. Bruce and Judith Berg

Deborah Tuttle Berkowitz and Michael Berkowitz

Mark and Nadine Berkowsky

Beth El Temple Center (Belmont)

Beth Tikvah Congregation (Hoffman Estates)

Tiffany Goodman Bilbe and Mitchell Bilbe

Richard Birnbaum and JoDi Weiss

Ellen A. Bittner (z"l)*

Donna and Arnold Blaustein

Ira and Melissa Blecker

fredi Bleeker Franks*

Gerald and Randye Blitstein

Rabbi Richard and Susan Block

Melissa and Jason Bloomfield

Molly Blumenthal

Carolyn and Charles Bombet

Lisa Borowitz

Beth Bottos and Peter Stout

Rabbi Erin and Batya Boxt

Dr. Stephen Brand and Patricia Hallberg

Laurie and Harold Brandt

Evan "Happy" Braude and Bonnie Lowenthal

Dr. Lynne Brodsky

Mara and Chad Bronstein

Melvin and Linda Brosterman

Ilene, David, Joshua, and Daniel Brot

Dr. Lawrence and Joan Brotman

Brown and Brown Insurance

Michael and Sylvia Brown

Richard Brown

Rabbi Danny Burkeman and Micol Zimmerman Burkeman

Rabbi Melissa Buyer-Witman and Mike Witman

Cantor Ida Rae and Rabbi Michael Cahana

Clarke Camper and Naomi Gendler Camper

Cape Cod Synagogue in support of Crane Lake Camp

Raymond and Wendy Capelouto

Susan Cartun

Rabbi Josh Caruso

Marcia Caulkins

Rabbi Steven and Leona Chester

Linda and Harold Chizewer

Rabbi Beth Jacowitz Chottiner and Lee Chottiner

Rita and William Clark

Dr. Clare* and Robin Clarke

The Clergy of Temple Israel of Boston

Rabbi Jeffrey and Carol Clopper

Ellen and Casey Cogut

Jeff Cohen

Ethelyn Cohen

Matthew Cohen

Shelly F. Cohen and Julie Shapiro

Michael Cohn

Dr. Mark Collons

John (z"l) and Jane Colman

Congregation Beth Am (Los Altos Hills)

Congregation Beth Emek (Pleasanton)

Congregation Beth Israel (Houston)

Congregation Beth Tikvah

Congregation B'nai B'rith (Santa Barbara)

Congregation B'nai Israel (Bridgeport)

Congregation Emanu-El (San Francisco)

Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester Rabbi Discretionary Fund

Congregation Shir Shalom Rabbi Discretionary Fund

Andrew Cooper

Marlene Copeland*

Daniel Cory and Julia Bacharach

Sheila and Michael Cory

Dr. David Crandell and Wendy Gutterson

Emily and Adam Crane

Rabbi Matthew and Sharon Cutler

Andre and Marilyn Danesh

Julie Dann and Bradley Schneider

Alan Dappen and Sara Scherr

Russell Daum

David and Inez Myers Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio

Rabbi Benjamin and Lisa David

Ted David and Jeri (z"l) David

Grace DeSouza

Ian and Caroline DeWaal

Robert and Susan Diamond

Sarah and Corey Dicker

Rabbi Lucy and Jeff Dinner

Lissie Diringer

Discretionary Fund of Temple Israel

Loui and Sheila Dobin

Dr. Sarah Shabot Doctor and Rabbi Todd Doctor

Steven and Susan Donchin

Arlene Dryer

Reid and Debra Dulberger

Nancy Dunn

Jane and Gene Eckstein

Susan and Lewis Edelheit

Robin Eisenberg, RJE*

Richard and Carole Eisner

Ellen and Martin Prosserman Foundation, Inc.

Dr. Joel and Alyce Ellison

Andrew Epstein and Colleen Barry

Albert and Dolores Erlebacher

Jay and Judi Eskovitz

Estelle Kohn Trust

Etz Hayim Synagogue, Rabbi's Discretionary Fund

Samuel and Jamie Evins

Edward and Shannon Farmer

Debra and Andrew Fechter

Rabbi Dena Feingold, Beth Hillel Temple

Rabbi Marla Feldman*

Susan and Stephen Feldman

Wesley and Madeline Finch

Charles and Barbara Fineblum

Mitchell Fingerman

Amy and Arthur Finkelberg

Lawrence Fisher

Dr. Charles and Dr. Nancy Fishman

Kenneth Fishman and Lisa Wendell

Brian Flock and Samantha Kanner

Jennifer Fowler

Dr. Charlotte (z"l) Frank and Marvin Leffler

Professor Sally Frank*

Rabbi Joshua and Stephanie Franklin

The Frazin Family

Michaela Freed

Robin and Matthew Freeman

Nichole and Dr. Edward Friedland

Deanne and Jeff Friedman and Family

Edward and Karen Friedman

J. Kent and Ann Friedman

Marty Friedman

Meagan Friedman

Rabbi Ronne and Irene Friedman

Tracy and Lynn Underwood Friend

Rabbis Elyse Frishman and Daniel Freelander*

Andrew and Janet Gallant

Dr. Misha Galperin and Alisa Guyer

Steven Ganz and Judy Tick

Marlene and Dr. Robert Garnett

Dennis and Gayle Geagan

Mitchell Geller

Ellen Gelles and Steven Ricanati

The Generations Fund

Steve and Julie Genn

Harold Gernsbacher

Marjorie Getz and David Sheftel

Rabbi Matthew Gewirtz and Lauren Rutkin

Mario Giampietri

Shanna and Bryan Glazer Family

Mindy and Rabbi Jeffrey Glickman

Paul and Ann Carol Goldberg

Robert Goldberg

Victor Goldberg and Patricia Waldeck

John Golden

Joan Golder

Evelyn Goldfine

Mark Goldfus and Beverly Rubman

James Goldman

Joseph and Beverly Goldman

Rabbis Jennifer and Howard Goldsmith

Amy Goldstein Chauvin

Andrea Goldstein and Brett Gillam Goldstein

David and Abigail Goldstein

Michael Goldstein

Michael Goldstein and Shana Richter

Peggy and Larry Goldstein

JulieSue and Matthew Goldwasser

Judi and Steve Goode

Sheryl Gruber Gorden

Joan Gordon

Rabbi Jodie Gordon and Josh Bloom

Howard and Ellen Gossage

Patsy Graham

Henry Green

Jeffrey and Samantha Green

Peter Greenberg

Rabbi Rachel Greengrass

Sheril and Rabbi Micah Greenstein

Liz Kanter Groskind and Eric Groskind

Pearl Grundland

Drs. Cheryl and Ernest Gutmann

Gabby and Ira Gutt

Dr. Irving and Lana Haber

Deborah Hahn and Mark Zeren

David Haller

Gregory Hamilton

Robin and Dotan Harpak

Marcy Harris

Susan and Macy B. Hart

Kareen and Robert Hartwig

Joel and Elizabeth Hausman

Nancy Hays

HDWK, LLC in memory of G. Marc Hamburger

Dr. Rebecca Hecht

Mark and Jamie Heisler

John and Stephanie Hellerman

Lindie and Kenneth Henderson

Alan and Miriam Herman

Barak and Cory Sue Hermann

Marc and Stacie Hershman

Joshua Herz and Ruth Fried

Susan and Bill Hess

Carolyn Hessel

Susan A. Heyder and Family

Jane Hger

Ira Hillman and Jeremy Barber

Kim Hirsh

Marci and Geoffrey Hirsch

Deborah and Jeffrey Hochman

David Hodes and Jolie Schwab

Lisa and Robert Honig

Bradley Horwitz

Betsey Hurwitz-Schwab and Douglas Schwab

Robert and Janice Ingrum

Sarah Iosifescu

Isador Simon Family Foundation Trust

Lee Jacob

Barbara Jacobs

Brian and Clair Jacobson

Todd Jaffee

Natalie and James Jalenak

James H. and Amy G. Shimberg Foundation/Nancy and Ed Paikoff

Jennifer James and Michael Levine

Jewish Abilities Alliance (JAA)

Jewish Deaf Resource Center

Jewish Federation of Columbus Georgia

Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne

Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans

Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans, Center for Interfaith Families

The Jonah Maccabee Foundation

Dana and Nicholas Jones

Hydee and Ryan Kagan

Sharon and Arnold Kagan

Eric Kahan

Jeanne and David Kahn

Rabbi Cassi and Joshua Kail

Richard and Shelley Kale

Rabbi Beth Kalisch and Larry Levine

David Kaminski

Rabbi Lewis and Renee Kamrass

Stacy Kanter and Eric Kornblau

Karlin-Resnick/Cheng Family

Madeline and Burton Karpay

Barbara Kasman and Arthur Wernicke

Jeffrey and Suzanne Katz

Jerome and Sandra Katz

Peter and Lisa Katz

Bruce and Diane Katzen

Aaron Kaufman*

Bob and Lisa Kaufman

Harry and Maggie Kaufman

The Kelloggs and Kappa Alphas at South Carolina

Joshua and Carrie Keough

Cameron Kerry and Kathy Weinman

Rachel Petroff Kessler and Marc Kessler

Shara and Michael Kimmel

Max Klaben and Jenny Gerner

Rabbi Beth Klafter and Beth Lipson

David Klau

Jake and Thomas Kleinmahon

Jennifer Kleinrock

Dr. Allan and Fran Klenetsky

Ruth Klepper

Leslie Klieger

Rabbi Ronald and Juca Klotz

Laurence Klurfeld and Joele Frank

Dr. Janice Kohn

Judy and Jordan Konisky

Sandi Kopelman

Kenneth and Audrey Kramer

Benjamin Kraus

Marvin and Geraldine Kraus

Rabbi Matthew Kraus

Dr. Marie-Adele and Jeremy Kress

Julie and Stuart Krigel

Raphael Krigel

Debbie Krupp

Eric and Erica Kuniansky

Rabbi Rob Kvidt

Mary Lachman

Randall and Allyson Lack

Jacob LaFrance

Kay and Jeff Lahasky

Lelia Lambert

Mary Jane and Mike Lamensdorf

Roslyn Lando

Larchmont Temple Inc. Rabbis Fund

Abbie and Richard Laskey

Dr. Marcia and Jason Laviage

Rabbi Martin and Anita Lawson

Betty and Harry Lazarus

Michael and Kerry* Leaf

Amanda Leath

Bob and Ellen Leibenluft

Leif Family

Robin and Dr. Paul* Leszner

Caryl and Michael Levin

Allison and Mark Levine

Dr. Julie and Howard Levine

Leo and Martha Levy

Dr. Richard and Sandra Levy

Amy and Alan Lewis

Emily Lewis

Sarah and Jeffrey Lewis

Dr. Jenny Libien

Jonathan Licht and Rhonda Amber

Judy and Maynard Lichterman

Melvin Lipsitz

Dr. Evan Lipson and Jennifer Katz

Seymour Lipton

Jonathan and Ellen Litt

Janet Lobsenz

Elaine Lomax

Susie and Michael Lorge

Preston and Linda Loss

Bill and Rita Loventhal

Jonathan Lurie

Erin Lusignolo and Drew Spacht

Michael* and Judith Luskin

Marian Macsai and Jack Kaplan

Daniel and Nancy Magida

Main Line Reform Temple Sisterhood

Buff and Jodi Maniscalco

Barbara Mansberg

Sharon Margulies and Joel Golden

Bernard and Nancy Markstein

Rabbi Sharon Mars

Will and Hannah Hart Martin

Rabbi Steven and Patrice Mason

Dr. Jennifer and Dr. Evan Melrose

Sherry and Gerald Merfish

Rachel Merritt

Metzger-Price Fund, Inc.

William Metzker

Aaron and Emily Meyer

Dr. Steven and Diane Michaels

John Migicovsky and Carol Strom

Joshua Milberg

Rabbi Goldie Milgram

William and Stephanie Miller

Sarah Millhauser

The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation

Jean Mintz

Audrey Hess Miranda and Hugo Miranda

Douglas Mishkin and Wendy Jennis

Don Moldover

Margaret Moore and Michael Fleisher

Rabbi Joel and Elyssa Mosbacher

Marjorie Moskovitz

Simon Moskovitz

Edith and Walter Mossberg

Diane Moyer

Karl and Jennifer Mundt

Louis and Arlene Navias

Rabbi Brian Nelson and Rabbi Leah Citrin-Nelson

David Nelson

Dolores Neustadt

Lee Newman

Kent Newton and Bill Slaton

Cathleen and Charles Niederman

Shamy and Daphna Noily

North Louisiana Jewish Federation

Louise and Rory Obletz

Karen O'Mansky

Cantor Katie Oringel

Beth and Steve Orlansky

Dr. Eric and Kathleen Orlin

Cantor Barbara Ostfeld and Todd Joseph

Harry and Anne Otterman

Rabbi Andrew Paley and Deborah Niederman

Richard Parks

Jordana Passon

Dorit Paul

Rabbi Michelle Pearlman and Dr. Andrew Denker

Michael and Paula Penzner

Debra* and Jonah Perlin

Jacob and Kat Perlin

Emily and Rabbi Jay Perlman

Jane Perlmutter

Dennis Perluss

Rabbi Karen Glazer Perolman

David and Marlene Persky

Heather and Daniel Pesikoff

Carole Pesner

Dr. Deborah Pevsner and Garrett Bloomer

The Philip and Fannie Smith Foundation

David and Lynn* Phillips

Janice Pierce and Don Grefe

Aaron Pinkus

Dan Pliskin

Jennifer and Dr. Scott Pollack

Robyn and Greg Pollack

Joseph Pollak* and Robin Weber Pollak

Lewis and Brenda Pollak

Linda B. Popejoy and Seth Drew Speyer

Connie and Dr. Donald Posner

Jacob Preble

Sue and Fred Preis

Taneisha Prell*

Michele Preminger

Donald Quinn

Brian and Nancy Quint

Rabbi Daniel Gropper Discretionary Fund Community Synagogue

Rabbi Eleanor B. Steinman Discretionary Fund

Kelly and Daniel Ramot

Reform Jewish Congregation PR - Temple Beth Shalom

Vicki Reikes-Fox and Rabbi Steven Fox

Dr. Kendra and Dr. David Reisner

Rebecca and Evan Reiss

Sarah Richman

Scott and Rabbi Rena Rifkin

Rabbis Stacy* and Peter Rigler

Aaron and Anne Robbin

Jim Roberts and Judy Caplan

Lisa and Jonathan Roberts

Jay Robinson

Phyllis Robinson

Iris and Roger Rochman

Henry and Susan Rollman

Vicky Romero and Harold Dash

Alan and Cynthia Rosen

Maya Rosen

Jeffrey and Sally Rosenberg

Susan and Michael Rosenberg

Matt Rosenblum

Jonathan and Debbie Rotstein

Cary and Wendy Rotter

Judith Royal

Elizabeth Rudnick and Elton Parker

Sandra Sadove

Gloria Sajgo

Tracy and Mark Salmanson

Betty Samuels

Aaron and Pamela Sandonato

Rabbi David Saperstein and Ellen Weiss

Margo and Peter Savitz

Steven and Joanne Saxe

Scarsdale Synagogue Temples Tremont and Emanu-El

Marlene Taube Schiff and Jeffrey Schiff

Michele and Ken Schipper

Jean Schiro-Zavela and Vance Zavela

Silvia Schnur

Susan and Paul Schomer

Craig Schultz

Rabbi Evan Schultz and Jenny Goldstein

Eric and Elizabeth Schuster

Dr. Philip Schwartz

Rabbi Amy Schwartzman and Kevin Moss

Georgia Schwarzauer

Dr. Alison and Jonathan Segal

Elizabeth Segal

Gretchen and Adam Segal

Cantor Lisa and James Segal

Philip and Rachel Segaloff

Alexis and Scott Seiler

Jenny and Jonathan Selbin

Rosanne and David Selfon

Natalie and Ethan Selzer

Joel and Sandra Seres

Eytan Shabtay

Rabbis Helayne and Jaimee Shalhevet

Daniel Shapiro

Kareen and Hal Shapiro

Paul Shapiro

Dana and Louis Shepard

David and Elizabeth* Sherman

Fran and Stephen* Sherman

Peggy and David Shiffrin

Mehran and Penny Shirazi

Dr. William and Shira Shore

Debby and Nili Shriber

Patricia and David Shulman

Elyse Shuster

Lisa Pascetta Siegel and Jonathan Siegel

Marcey and Ken Siegel

Mark and Linda Silberman

Judith and Ian Silver

Carl Silverman

Michael Simmons

Rabbis Jeremy Simons and Bess Wohlner

Anna and Michael Singer

Rabbis Beth and Jonathan Singer

Rabbi Jeffrey Sirkman

Ramona Sitko

Louise and Jerry Sklar

Joseph W. Slade, III, and Judith Yaross Lee

Doris Slavin

Karen Sloss

David and Jennifer Snyder

Dr. James Soffer

Rabbi Matthew and Nicole Soffer

Roberta and Richard Sol

Michael Solomon

Jerome Somers*

Sonia Fink

Dr. Stephen and Trudy Sonis

Cleo and Jonathan Sonneborn

Neal Spielman

Cantor Rachel and Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker

Dr. Myra Spindel and Bart Chepenik

Rabbi David and Gal Spinrad

Dr. Raymond Stadiem and Agata Rocka

Matt and Ali Stamm

Abra and Brad Stein

Lawrence and Karla Steinberg

Mark Steinberg

Matthew and Rachel Steinberg

Dr. Scott Steinberg

Eva and Marvin Steiner

Rochelle and Brian Steinwurtzel

Michael and Cantor Elizabeth Sternlieb

Evelyn Stock

Rabbi David Straus and Lynne Breslau

Tina and David* Strauss

Suburban Temple - Kol Ami (Beachwood)

Deborah Sussman (z"l)

Gale* and Eliot Swartz

Rabbi Barbara and Rabbi Ron Symons

David Szuchman and Jennifer Mitchell

Curtis and Priscilla Tamkin

Sandra and Kenneth Tankoos

Temple Isaiah (Lexington)

Temple Akiba (Culver City)

Temple Beth Abraham (Tarrytown)

Temple Beth Am (Seattle)

Temple Beth El of Huntington

Temple Beth Or Rabbi's Fund

Temple Beth Sholom (New City)

Temple Beth-El (St. Petersburg)

Temple B'nai Or (Morristown)

Temple Emanuel (Denver)

Temple Emanuel (Kensington)

Temple Emanuel (Orange)

Temple Emanu-El Clergy (Dallas)

Temple Emanuel Sinai (Worcester)

Temple Emeth (Teaneck)

Temple Har Zion Rabbi's Discretionary Fund

Temple Israel (London, Ontario)

Temple Rodef Shalom (Falls Church)

Temple Shaari Emeth Rabbi Panken Discretionary Fund (Manalapan)

Temple Sholom of Chicago

Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)

Tepper Enterprises Inc

Rabbi Lennard* and Dr. Linda Thal

Rabbi Deborah Till

Willard Tom and Natalie Lichtenstein

Gabriel and Laurie Tompkins

Eddie Traylor and Ann Baumgarten

TreeRing Corporation

Rachel Umlas

Rachel Unger and Michael Feldman

Vigran Family Foundation, Inc.

Rabbi Andy Vogel and Martha Hausman

Rabbi Jessie Wainer

Wendy Walin

Paul and Patricia Walnick

Leslie Wasserman

Ryan and Truman Wasserstein

Rabbi Heath and Amy Watenmaker

Aaron and Liane Weber

Donald and Melinda Weber

Jody and Rabbi Michael Weinberg

Rachel and Max Weinberg

Elizabeth Gutmann Weingast and James Weingast

John Weinstein and Heidi Stewart

Neil and Denise Weinstein

Andrew and Megan Weintraub

Cindy and Paul Weiser

Eric and Lydia Weiss

Gail and Jason Weiss

Lisa Weiss and Dr. Kenneth Zadeck

Sherri Weissman

Ashley and Rabbi Greg D. Weitzman

Diane and Stephen Weitzman

Judith Weitzman

Daniel Werner and Leslie Maitland

Steven Wessinger

Richard and Debra Westheimer

Rabbi Josh and Sarah Whinston

Rabbi David Widzer and Karen Loewy

Susan Schwartz Wildstrom

Leslie and Clifford Will

Jeff Willard and Steve Mahan

Suzanne Winick

Ari Winkleman

Barbara Wolf and Andy Schatz

Cynthia and Michael Wolf

Sheldon (z"l) and Rhoda Wolfe

Mark and Myra Wolfson

Women Of Temple Rodef Shalom (Fall Church)

Carol and John Woolford

Staci and Will Woska

WRJ Atlantic District

Jocelyn Dan Wurzburg

Rabbi Eric Yoffie*

Young Judaea

Rabbi Mara and Mark Young

Efraim and Jess Yudewitz

Alfred Zacher

Zachs Family Foundation

Samantha and Adam Zadikoff

Dr. Mark and Stacey Zoland

Rabbi Henry and Barbara Zoob

Jared Zuckerman

Suzanne and Andrew Zulauf

Jenny and Lee Zurik